What Can Be Built On A Half Plot Of Land In Nigeria


The popular and common size of one plot of land in Nigeria is measured by 648sqm (square meter) which is 60ft x 120ft in most cases but some real estate agents have reduced the measurement to 450 Sqm when converted to feet, it is now 50ft by 100ft. A half plot of land is a full plot divided by two. A Half Plot of land can be 30 ft x 120ft, 60ft x 60ft, or 50ft by 50 ft.

What Can Be Built On A Half Plot Of Land In Nigeria

For those people wondering what can be built on an ordinary half plot of land, well, you are at the right place. Sometimes when people call a half plot of land, it sounds like a tiny piece of land, but it’s not. A half plot of land can contain a standard building even with extra space to pack cars.

What Can Be Built On A Half Plot Of Land In Nigeria

10 Structures you can build on half a plot of land in Nigeria

Half a plot of land can accommodate any of the following buildings with space for a car park;

  1. Residential building.
  2. Eatery or fast food restaurant.
  3. A VIP bar or club.
  4. Mini shopping complex.
  5. Farm for catfish or Poultry products such as meat and eggs
  6. Church or mosque.
  7. Crèche and Primary or secondary school with enough space for assembly ground.
  8. A small hospital and Lab.
  9. Factory, office, or Micro Finance Bank.
  10. Supermarket.
  11. Car Wash and more…

Residential houses you can build on a Half Plot of land in Nigeria

A half plot of land can accommodate any of the following types of standard residential house with enough parking spaces for at least 2 cars;

What Can Be Built On A Half Plot Of Land In Nigeria

  1. 5 bedroom duplex.
  2. Two units of 2 bedroom flats.
  3. 4 bedroom detached duplex
  4. 4 bedroom bungalow.
  5. Three units of Bedroom Mini flats
  6. Four units of 1 room self contain.
  7. 3 bedrooms bungalow with a small pool.
  8. One story building comprising 4 units of 2 bedroom flats
  9. A half plot of land can accommodate a 3 bedroom duplex with 2 units of mini-flats.
  10. One unit of 2 bedrooms flat, one unit of 1 room and parlor self contain and one unit of 1 room self contain.

So, now you know what can be built on a half plot of land, it's time to start making arrangements to become a Land Lord or a Land Lady.

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